Wednesday, May 26, 2010

a sucessful pin-hole photo!

for those who don't know what a pinhole camera is, its basically a very very simple camera that uses light sensitive photo paper or film negatives by using the most basic laws of optics. all you need is a light-tight box and one tiny pinhole on one side.
this is my first actual photo using a pinhole camera (i tried once in a high school photography class and i fudged 'em all up).
the image on the left is the original image the camera created, then i scanned it into the computer and flipped it. the picture is actually the entrance to my university's main building, Burrus Hall. :)

and here's the cardboard camera that did it! (don't judge the prototype's cruddy craftmanship...)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

look what i found!

found this little guy in a lil cranny in the floor! poor thing. not my favorite fortune i've found, but it still made me smile. thought i'd share

Sunday, May 23, 2010


baaaaawwwww ain't she cute?


I'm feeling guilty for not posting more often. SO BE PREPARED FOR AN ONSLAUGHT OF DAILY DOODLES! :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Just a quick doodle

sorry for disappearing again! i keep getting sucked up into threadless stuff... only got a 2.86 on my one design and the other did so bad it got cut early :(
so i've only beenmore determined to blow everyone out of the water on the next one (my last blog post)! and now there's a contenst with a COFFEE theme so....

Saturday, May 15, 2010


just another doodle. this one's pretty depressing, don't know why. i call it "St. Dymphna, Patron Saint of Diabolical Possession"!

I'm working on turning this into a Threadless tee as well and you can critique its progress here!

Friday, May 14, 2010

aaaand another threadless design!

sorry i've been MIA the last couple of days but i've been sucked into a photoshopping this 2nd design for threadless! it tooook forever to turn all my pen lines into vector shapes so i haven't had much time for extra sketching on the side. but tomorrow i'm going to give my eyes a break and step away from the computer and back to my sketchbook.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

a threadless design!

this is my first submission to threadless in a long time, but i figured why not! once its in the running i'll post a link, and you can vote for it to be printed! please vote!

here's the link

Monday, May 10, 2010

0.0 look at all those fortune cookies....

a couple months ago i found the shredded remains of an old LIFE magazine that someone had used for a collage and this EPIC picture was amongst its pages! and its been collecting dust ever since. and tonight when i started clearing off my desk for the semester, i unearthed it again! so i thought i'd share

just another doodle and a thought

you know, i love drawing but one thing's always bugged me. i don't have any set "style" or techniques and as we all know, the best artists and architects' work are all very distinct and special to them!
but me... well i'm wishy-washy... i'm always trying out some other method or another and i'm never really happy with the results. here's to hoping this is just me testing the waters and one day i'm gonna figure out what my work's all about!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

just a random doodle for you

it feels like summer! i guess that's what inspired my sketching today (even though i should be studying right now!!)

more screenprinting

and here's the t-shirt version of my "<3 formation" print! this one's my mother's day gift but people seem to really like this design, may have to make more of 'em.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

momma's day preparation

just a little mother's day card i whipped up today in the screenprinting lab on campus. my mom absolutely loves canadian geese, so i think she'll like this alot. good thing i haven't told her about the blog yet.... it would've ruined the surprise! going to print a larger version of this on a tshirt once i get my butt over to michael's and buy one.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

cookie monster

if there's one thing you'll learn about me, it's that i have an unhealthy obsession with fortune cookies, or rather the little slips of paper emblazoned with smiley-faces inside the cookie. i snarf down the cookie as quick as possible then stick the fortune in my pocket and hold on to it at least until i get home. then it joins the hundreds and huuundreds of fortunes i've already come across.
when i'm in need of a little inspiration, i pull one out of the jar i keep at my desk and read its sage advice ...or i learn a random word in chinese. either way, they can always put a grin on my face! so for days when i'm extremely stressed and too busy post (like i've been the last two days, taking exams) i think i'll surprise you guys with a little bit of good fortune!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

a busy day indeed...

Today, my architecture studio and I finally constructed the timber frame "roof" project we've been working on for 3 weeks! It was hot and we were all sweating buckets by the end (even though almost all i did was take pictures) but it was so worth it , getting it up there on top of those columns was pretty epic. enjoy, and if you've got any questions as to what this was exactly, feel free to comment!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


hi! so, here's my dilemma. i'm starting a blog and... secretly... i hate writing. hopefully i'll get better as i post but hopefully my daily doodles will help compensate! another truth, i'm not sure where this is going exactly, except that this is an excuse to start sketching everyday again. i haven't just sat down and sketched for the fun of it in a long time and it's time i started up again! but instead of my secret little sketchbook i kept to myself, i'm sharing with all of you. with any luck, this will turn into something i really love doing and i hope you'll stick around and see where this goes.